A Performance Affair - APA, The Panoptican Edition, Vanderborght, Bruxelles, 2018
Performance et installation avec Lidwine Prolonge
Présentée par La Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques (FNAGP)
Commissaire : Mathilde Roman

Following the project « Performance TV » curated by Mathilde Roman at La Maison d'Art Bernard Anthonioz in Nogent- sur-Marne (FNAGP), Anna Byskov and Lidwine Prolonge present two installations combining different medium that link the presence of the artist in relation to a public. Performance and video play a key role by intertwining the process about looking and being looked at, questioning the capacity of an image to be part of an open narrative performed with the context. Each performance leads to another while the story grows and the composition changes through out the installation. The process is on going, the finishing points a blur, how can selection be done when performance is a whole ? The moment of selling becomes a new chapter of the story by meeting a private or public collector, adding parts of narrative to the installation. Looking at and being looked: the buyer become part of the installation by being involved in the next performances, and is also involved in the selling process itself. This one is framed by a contract based on a set of dynamic relationships, between presence and absence, past (what happened) and future (what is about to happen), performance and image, and between a buyer (which may be a legal person) and a seller (the artist). The contract that is established is an integral part of the artwork to come, and is performative.
